What “90 Days to a Bestseller” really means

What “90 Days to a Bestseller” really means

Updated: Sep 17, 2022 90 days to a bestseller – then what?? This article describes my experience with a “90 days to a bestseller” course. If your experience significantly differs, feel free to let me know so I can update the article. If your short-term goal is to be able to say (technically) that your book is a “bestseller”, this may […]

The Scoop on Ivermectin

What’s the story with ivermectin? Is it safe for humans? There are forms of ivermectin for humans to take internally, for horses to be administered orally as a de-wormer, and a pour-on pesticide for cattle. Only one of these is safe for humans.

Why I don’t think J.K. Rowling is trans-phobic

I don’t think J.K. Rowling is truly transphobic (and neither does Eddie Izzard, btw). Ms. Rowling’s issue appears to be that she wants to protect girls and women from men who gain access to traditionally female-only areas such as restrooms and locker rooms, simply by stating they’re a woman. Apparently in Scotland, a man – regardless of whether he’s taking […]